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Mowgli likes it much better in a nice, quiet home with no other kitties. This way he doesn't have to share his humans with anyone! Mowgli had a very good Christmas, his grandparents bought him a kitty condo to play on! He also let his mom put an obnoxious bow on him on Christmas to make her happy. He loved sleeping under the Christmas tree while it was here and staring at the lights. He even put his bed under there by himself when mom and dad weren't looking! He loves drinking water out of the sink and even met a doggie who looks suspiciously like him through the back glass door. His favorite chore is 'helping' his mom make the bed. He loves to take naps with his dad, and also likes to play with the boring stick end of his very fancy feather toy. Mowgli is a very happy kitty at his new forever home.

"also likes to play with the boring stick end of his very fancy feather toy" - ha ha! That's a cat for ya! What a sweet update!