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Thursday, January 29, 2015


Elliot with Riley. Look how great his eye is looking! 

Bix and Makenzie

Bix and Makenzie, loving our new blankee

Monday, January 26, 2015


Mowgli likes it much better in a nice, quiet home with no other kitties. This way he doesn't have to share his humans with anyone! Mowgli had a very good Christmas, his grandparents bought him a kitty condo to play on! He also let his mom put an obnoxious bow on him on Christmas to make her happy.  He loved sleeping under the Christmas tree while it was here and staring at the lights. He even put his bed under there by himself when mom and dad weren't looking!  He loves drinking water out of the sink and even met a doggie who looks suspiciously like him through the back glass door. His favorite chore is 'helping' his mom make the bed. He loves to take naps with his dad, and also likes to play with the boring stick end of his very fancy feather toy. Mowgli is a very happy kitty at his new forever home.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Simba (aka Oliver)

 Simba(aka Oliver) has made excellent progress.  He is a happy, very inquisitive, fearless kitten who will turn 5 months old on January 19th. He especially likes to hang out with his best buddy, Molly.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


 Mya is doing very well at home, and has become an "ultra diva" :-). She is the only animal in the home and likes it that way. This is Mya resting after being brushed. 

Mya resting after being brushed

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Mariska is the sweetest kitty ever; she is warm and affectionate and such a wonderful addition to our family! It took some time for her to feel comfortable and not hide under the bed, but day by day she is coming around and we’ve spent a lot of time working with her. She loves our dog Forest and he loves her too. He wants to play though, and she isn’t exactly ready for that. Taking pictures of Mariska hasn’t been easy, she’s still a bit small, maybe she will be a petite kitty.


We adopted Suess from you just before Thanksgiving!  He is very loving and has made a nice adjustment to our home.  Our older cat likes/tolerates him better than other cats.  The fact that he got sick just after we adopted him gave our older cat a chance to “know” him as a calm, docile thing and that certainly helped lay the foundation for a positive relationship between the cats.  Suess is high energy and loves to play.  He has cat iPad games for when we can’t take entertaining him anymore.  He loves to play with feathers, and his dry food, and chase the lazer light….oh my he has a deep appreciation for cardboard and boxes….he really loved the holiday season! 


We took these pictures today and thought you would like to see how Madam Fleur is looking you will see her new little brother Maison the Hemingway Maine coon we just got in December and her big brother Otto the orange Scottish fold they are all getting along great you will see Fleur with one of her classic looks as if she is saying "did I say you could take my picture" Fleur does have a lot of expressions just using her eyes.


Bella had a very calm trip home last night.  I was amazed by how easily she took to riding in the carrier without any complaint.  When I got her home and opened the door she just as calmly walked out and set out exploring every part of her new home without any sign of panic.  She found her litter box right away and her food area and water fountain.  I think she likes having a place that she knows belongs entirely to herself, because she has been marking every possible surface she can get to - tables, chair legs,and arms.  She is a little nervous if I approach her too suddenly, but she seems affectionate if I let her take the lead.  She's climbed into my lap a couple of times when I was watching tv, and last night when I went to bed she was sleeping in her cat cushion in the living room, but when I woke up she was curled up next to me in my bed.She really likes to snuggle in her cat nests.  She also likes to curl up on the sofa next to me when I'm reading or on the computer and she sleeps on my bed, and I think she's becoming more affectionate overall as she gets used to being here and to me.