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Sybil Q Pursey a.k.a Kenzie

Kenzie who is seen on facebook in the red purse has adjusted fantastically. She has no interest in that purse or any others so clearly she saw it as a vehicle for escape! She is so affectionate and smart. Of course the big decision was picking My purse and for that she has shown great wisdom. Beyond that she has adjusted well to my condo and lifestyle. She likes to get up about 4 am but has good manners and cuddles for 15 minutes and goes back to the bottom of my bed til around 7 when i awake. She is not fussy about food but i will have to put the brakes on as she has perfect proportions but could easily overeat. i will end the dry food soon as i am clear after having a diabetic kitty that dry food is less healthy generally due to carbs. i have named her Sybil Q Pursey as she has shown a number of personalities all of which are to my liking except when i cut her nails! She had become accustomed to lots of sleep but i try to keep her moving a bit in the eve as she enjoys feathers, catnip mouse and battery powered mouse on a circular track. All in all Miss Pursey is the feline with the easiest personality of any cat i have been lucky enough to share my home with. For that i am grateful to all the folks who took such good care of her at POA. i do look into her beautiful green eyes and wonder about her story and where she spent her first few years...big tx to all, barbara
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