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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Snowflake (Pixie) and Kiera (Reese) happy in their new home!

Thanks for the call, I have been meaning to send a note on their behalf.  Both are doing great. 

Playing w Danny trying to do homework
Snowflake my 1 year old also has a name change to Pixie.  She is our "wild" one!  She loves to play and can't get enough.  She will bring toys to you if you stop playing.  She can also fall asleep while playing, she is adorable!  Pixie enjoys a "good ole fashion" full body rubbing/massage and will twist and turn and make sure you don't miss any part!  When she first came home she spent the first 1/2 day hiding up in a recliner chair.  Finally Reese encouraged her to come out and play which she did.  By day 2 she was roaming freely within the house.  She did not know how to climb stairs so on day 1 that evening when we all went up to bed she stayed at the bottom crying.  We carried her to the second floor.  She needed help learning how to climb stairs up and down, with down being more difficult.  She figured the stairs out in no time.  Slow but steady she would move up and down.  Pixie can not get enough of the fish in the fish tank.  Doesn't try to get them but loves to watch them from any angle.  Eating and sleeping without difficulty.  She has put on weight and now doesn't look as skinny. Loves to lay on people, walk on them and it doesn't matter who it is just anyone who will give her the attention. I had knee surgery shortly after we adopted the cats and Pixie was extremely attentive and was constantly on me laying and staying by my side when I moved from room to room.  She was patient and calm. (two words that don't often describe her!) She makes lots of noise and has a gerbil sound when she gets excited and/or is looking for you.  She can't sneak up on Reese because she squeals! Love her to death and we couldn't be more happy.

Natural position!
Following my surgery. I was sleeping.

Kiera my 3 yr old has a name change to Reese.  She is quiet, loves to drink from the faucet and can be found sleeping in any sink in the house if you can't locate her on her other 3 favorite spots, a bed, a couch and/or a cat bed placed on top of the dryer (which is located in our kitchen and is open to the room!)  She carries around stuffed animals a small gorilla and a bear and will often drop them by you, if you leave that area, she will get the toy and bring it with her.  Explored the house immediately upon arriving and climbed from top to bottom on EVERYTHING until she was content with what she found.  Eating and sleeping without any difficulty.  Likes to lay about by people when movement is occuring in the house.  Likes to be held and pet only on her head and face.  Don't reach for her lower back or stomach, growling will occur but no claws or teeth. She's a delight and beautiful and we are so happy to have her.
One sink I love
Both cats have adjusted well and are now natural parts of the family.  Over the holiday they met their extended people family and joined right in.  The both like each other sometimes Pixie is to much for Reese and she will growl and that will be the end of the interaction.  However, you can also find Reese laying around with Pixie cleaning her face.  Both are the cleanest cats!  I don't think my other cat ever washed herself this much.  They are such a joy to have. Thanks so much AGAIN to POA for allowing my family to adopt animals.  (These 2 are our 4th from POA) !
The Lester's  Dianne, Jim, Abbie, Danny

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