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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Cats from Protectors of Animals

I adopted two kittens from Protectors of Animals. Here's an update on them and their contented life at my home.

I adopted Bear, a black cat with patch of white on his chest and green eyes, perhaps five years ago - I am really bad with time and dates. He is a really sweet cat and sleeps my by side every night. He is quite docile, except when he's hungry and becomes quite animated to get my attention to feed him!

About three years ago I adopted an orange tiger named Trig - I renamed him Jack Kerouac after the author of my favorite book - "On the Road." Jack is a very loving cat who will jump onto my lap whenever I am sitting. He loves to be held and purrs loudly when being stroked. He (gently) paws at my face to wake me up each morning. Such little devils!

In any case, here is a picture of my two adoptees from POA. Good kitties. If the people who fostered these cats when they were kittens are still active with your organization, please assure them that they did a wonderful job raising them and that they are in a good home - very well taken care of. They get to spend most of the summer in Maine each year when they sit in the windows and watch the water and seagulls.

visit Protectors of Animals, Inc   

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