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Sunday, May 28, 2017


Cricket and Bubba are slowly meeting each other..  Cricket likes to play with ball by herself, chases the wand toys and the laser.  She also likes to go to the lower level of house and she sit on her big cat tree.  She lets us hold her a little.

Nicoletta and Anika

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Thurman is doing great...He adjusted to life in our home quickly. His bed is in an armchair in the bay window where he sleeps and works on his tan. He also discovered sleeping on our bed is pretty comfy too. He's very talkative and gives us a lot of joy. 

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Venus, now Lillyla

Venus is more adorable and sweeter than I first thought! Her name is now Lillyla, she became acclimated to her new home. Her new brother Marvin, whom she loves, helped. Now she has made herself at home.  She traverses the entire house, plays regularly, and is so affectionate. We are a perfect match!