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Saturday, January 21, 2017
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Spice (formerly Spicey)
Spice, (formerly Spicey), is doing wonderfully. She always has to be in the middle of the action, so even though I'm awake at 3am she's on my lap as I'm writing.
The Fluff, as we usually call her, has become extremely vocal and affectionate with us, but is now a little reserved around guests, which of course makes us feel proud that she has such an obvious preference for us. Her unique little quirks--like rearing on her hind legs for attention, "kissing," nestling against us under the covers in bed, and using an incredible vocabulary--entertain and delight us every day. She is quite the insistent lap cat, and her motor is almost always running, but she can turn on a dime and become surprisingly playful. She is known to race around the house at lightning speed and paw at the window blinds to look outside. Everyone who meets her loves her amazingly soft fur and sweet disposition. She is rather spoiled, and we'll certainly be celebrating her birthday next month.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Rusty (now named Trophy)

Francie (previously Coco)
Francie (previously Coco), she is doing soooooo great and has completely come out of her shell! She gets along great with Thomas, her new 14 year old brother.
She brings us so much joy and she is such a ham, the personality on her is too darn cute. She has the tiniest little meows that are so endearing, and has taken to following me around like a little puppy dog. If we are watching TV and I have to get up, she follows me to whatever business I have to do, the bathroom, the kitchen, and then follows me back downstairs. She is just such a sweetheart and I am so happy and thankful for the funny turn of events that lead us to being in each others lives.
Chantilly now Bella
Chantilly now Bella (not from twilight movie) is adjusting perfectly to her new home. She has all these new toys but her favorite toy is the crumbled up receipt. When shes has had enough pets she uses her paws to push our hand. This morning I woke up to her loud purr in my face. She also likes to lick our blanket, like until it is soaking wet.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Allie formerly Mina
We adopted Allie, formerly Mina, a month ago. After an initial period of much exploration, she has settled into a routine and feels safe,secure, and contented in her new home.] She run, run, runs up and down the stairs, plays with her toys, and patrols the windows looking for birds. Then she jumps on the bed for a long nap. My husband and I feel our own sense of contentment when we pet her or pick her up and hear her purring. Loudly! She may never be a lap cat, but she is a loving cat and a loved cat.
Mellow is a LOVE, an absolute love. He can be so huggable lovable 1 minute, then he’s leaping in the air, doing flips, chasing toys, sliding across tables !! Boy, he loves to run. The house is clearly his castle. He bonded well with Izzy, my oldest cat of 16 yrs. There is a mutual respect. If he tries to chase her, she just turns & stares at him, and he just moves on, looking for a new target. Gabby, my 10 yr Tortie was going to be the ‘problem cat’ I thought. No, they’re actually getting to be great pals.
Now, I originally got Mellow so my 2 yr Mocha would have a playmate. Well, Mocha isn’t having any of it, yet. It might be his size. She’s very tiny. But every day she seems to hiss less, and has become more curious about him, studying him as he plays. These 2 are really so similar in habits & interests, once she trusts him more, I believe they’ll be very close.
In the meantime, he suns himself in the recliner, plays with gabby, and cleans all the cat bowls for me.
I wouldn’t trade him for the world !!!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
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