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Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Smudge is adjusting very well to her new home. She has a very healthy appetite, loves to play and is always affectionate. She really has the sweetest personality.
Tippy Toes
Tippy Toes is an awsome cat. He is so sweet and loving. He likes to cuddle and boy does he like to purr. He and Buster get along very well. Buster is a 13 year old ginger cat and Tippy Toes loves to jump over him and cuddle with him. Tippy Toes also likes bird watching out the guest bedroom and kitchen windows which are both level with a tree that the birds love to congregate in. The first week he was with me Tippy Toes took all the wand toys and placed them on my bed where he sleeps. He loves toys and has a basket full of them.
Watson is doing EXCELLENT! He basically rules the house, always putting his two puppy siblings in their place if they get out of hand! Recently we adopted a 8 week old calico kitten and she thinks Watson is the best big brother! Watson has accepted her into our home well, today we caught the two snuggling and he was washing her! He truly is a special boy, and while not overly affectionate, he is perfect for us! And he has done a fine job of mousing, he got 7 in a two week period!
Nero is doing just fine. Within a day of being here he found the couch, so now one end is his with his bed. Licorice is a pest to him but overall they are getting along. I’d say he was depressed for a little while, but recently seems to have perked up and comes to me when I feed him. His foster mother and I are in contact and she sent some little homemade catnip presents, which was very sweet.
Scout a.k.a Susie
When Helga came out of the carrier she was not afraid at all and spent some time exploring. She checked out her new litter box and came running when she heard the can of food pop open. Afterwards she washed up and then the neatest thing: she went up to me with her tail high and stared up at him to let him know she was happy.
Maddie formerly Blossom
Blossom (now Maddie) is doing great! She’s wonderful company for me (as I work out of my home) and her playfulness keeps us entertained every day. She’s been spoiled with lots of toys and her own huge cat tower – she rules the roost!
Fuzziwig a.k.a Reily

It has been three weeks since we brought Jeremy home, he is settling in and finding his way here. He is definitely still a scaredy cat, but is making progress every day!
Dante, Artie and Coco

Artie is adjusting much slower but we know that some cats just adapt slower. He has not explored the actual living spaces much, and chooses to hide out in the basement. We brought him back upstairs into our bedroom last night so he could sleep with us. He did come out from under the bed and join me about midnight, and he was very happy to receive gentle pets and loving soft words. He roamed the bedroom, used his box, and even ate dry food.
They are both VERY freaked out by the mirror on our dresser and the full mirror on the back of our bedroom door. As soon as Artie saw this in the morning, he reverted back to heavy duty fear. We let him back out to visit the rest of the house, and Dante stayed by his side every second. This time, he did explore the living area a bit. Then trooped downstairs to assume his position tucked and safe. Sigh. We are in high hopes that he will slowly begin to explore, most likely tonight when it is dark. Dante is missing his buddy, but knows where he is and I think is being quite patient with him.
As far as our senior female cat Cocoa, she is doing well. It is clear that the trick with Dante is being vocal. When he comes on strong, or gets directly in her face, he refuses to back down unless she growls. Then he instantly backs off to study her.
She is not interacting with him much at this point, but her eyes are no longer dilated in fear, and she even attempts to play with her own crunchy balls after watching him play with his. She only growls when he comes within a foot of her, otherwise, she just watches him with curiosity. I suspect, if things continue at this pace (with Artie coming back upstairs to enjoy his new world) that she will be a bit grumpy for 3 -4 weeks, and then she’ll relax.
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