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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Kesha, now Scout

Kesha is doing very well.  We have renamed her Scout and she jumped right into the family without missing a beat.  She’s been laying in the sun, exploring, sleeping with my son.  She is in heaven. Kesha turned out to be the perfect fit for us.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Jasper & Valentino

 Jasper & Valentino enjoying their new home

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Banjo (a.k.a. Rico)

Rico, now named "Banjo" loves his new home.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Salem Eugene

Three years ago today we welcomed this guy into our home. We're so happy to have him with us. Although he is mischievous we love him anyway!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Getting Missy was the BEST thing I could have done for Prince, They are a perfect match. He has come out of his shell, he is a different cat altogether!!   I can't believe it!! He's so happy now, its unreal. I think he feels a little on top because he was here first, but he is in love with Missy. They play hide and seek, chase each other, its so beautiful. Missy sleeps with me and stays with my mother in the chair and loves to watch the squirrels and birds. She is an absolute perfect cat. Perfect
​.​ She 
LOVES LOVES to play.


Bowie (a.ka. Fenway)

Bowie napping with his new black and white sister Maisy

Bowie LOVES to stretch out on a rug in front of the warm fire and will often hop up on the hearth and just sit and stare through the firescreen when there’s no fire lit, almost like he’s willing something to remedy it! This boy has a crazy high vertical jump – it is the most amazing launch into the air, possibly enabled by his double-pawed feet? He is also an awesome catcher of crumpled balls of tinfoil. Our other cat catches too, so we have lots of catch and fetch time, and its interesting how patient they are with each other as we alternate throwing to them. Bowie has so easily and happily settled into his new home.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Teddy is doing well! My cat Keishi likes him already and is trying to get him to engage, no growling, hissing, spitting, or any of that, he is being a good big brother. Teddy has found refuge for the time being in a clean, covered litter box. Keishi keeps popping his head in to check on him and he does not look stressed. I am giving him all the space he needs. Teddy is now leaning INTO me when I pet him!!! I thought I might have heard/felt a couple of purrs too. Starting this morning he has starting to explore the bathroom and get out of that closet space this morning! Him and Keishi have been together in my bathroom all afternoon and he is able to come out to bedroom if he wants.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Charcoal is doing really well! We spent his first few hours together in my bathroom so he could get used to having company. He was very mellow, let me pet him, and fell asleep. He spent the whole first night in the bathroom, but was anxious to explore by Saturday morning. He hasn't gone downstairs to the rest of the apartment, but he's wandering between my bathroom and bedroom upstairs.
He has spent Saturday and today mostly under the bed during the daytime, but he comes out occasionally to rub against my legs and roll over for a belly rub. He came out in the night last night and was very enthusiastic and sought out lots of attention. I'm sure within at few days he'll realize that the top of the bed is much more comfortable than the underside!
His food, water, and litter box are all still in the bathroom, and he pops right out from under the bed when it's mealtime. He's eating well and using the box no problem.
All in all I think he's doing really well and I think this is an ideal fit. I'm so happy that he likes the attention and I hope he continues to adjust so well. I want to wait to move his food and litter until he's explored downstairs voluntarily, so we'll probably spend the next few days hanging out upstairs. Who knows, he may explore when I go to work tomorrow and he has the place to himself.
Thank you so, so much for all of your help in this process. I really think Charcoal and I are going to be excellent together. He's such a sweet boy.


 Clifford is the biggest mush I have ever met! As soon as we got home, I opened the cage and he plopped down on the floor and rolled onto his back! I think he is part dog...when I call him he comes and jumps on my lap!!


 Hi POA Family! - I'm starting to enjoy my new home. Just like we thought, when I first got here I ran and hid under a desk for the first night, but I just couldn't resist having my belly scratched and the smell of treats. So here I am today, walking around my room for the first time. I'm starting to warm up!