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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Update for Niko aka Bubbles.

Hi Anya,

I hope you are doing well.  Sorry it has been so long since you received
an update.

Nicco is doing great!  He is such a love.  We really do enjoy having him
as part of the family.

The dark winter nights proved a little too dangerous for our nightly walks
(cold and messy too), so we got a treadmill.  I'm happy to report that
Nicco and I walk the treadmill nearly every night we are not able to go
outside.  He loves it and if I'm on the treadmill he patiently watches and
waits for his turn.

This week, he started doggie daycare.  Winston isn't much of a playmate
and I realized that Nicco needed some extra exercise and socialization.
He loves it!  Now when I leave the house and don't take him, he barks at
me to go.  He'll be going 2 days a week.  He's made fast friends there
with a labradoodle.

Starting Monday night, we'll be going to a 7 week long obedience I class.
It is being taught by Diane Abbot (in case you have heard of her).  I
admit the class is more for me than Nicco.  I want to be sure to give him
consistent messages and reinforcement.

I've attached a picture from daycare.  He refused to look at the camera.
I find it hard to get good pictures of him either becuase his color blends
into the background or mostly becuase he does not stop moving.

Take care

Charlie's Newest Trick

It's been a while so I figured you may be in need of a cute video of Charlie (showing his newest of many tricks) and a cute pic too (he likes to stay under the blankets when it's really cold. He is such a quick learner, it only took me 5 mins to teach him to "wave". Not sure if you know this but he took and passed Agility 1 & 2!! He was so damn cute on all those obstacles... he had to try twice as hard as the big dogs but he did it! We hope all is well with you!!! You will have to let us know when you will be in Wethersfield and we can bring him to see you!
Have a great night!!

Topanga now known as Trixie Goes home!

Ferguson's new family and little twin sister Molly

Three year Lucy aka Kenzie adoption update

It's been 3 years since I brought Kenzie (Adoption name Lucy).  Still amazed at how lucky I got when I adopted her. I've owned Jack Russell's half my life and been around relatives dogs most of my life and Kenzie is the best dog I've ever known, even if I don't understand what is going on in her brain most of the time.  Kenzie is happy & healthy, loves to cuddle up with people and is always eager to go to bed early and sl
eep late.

Odin Update

Hi Laura and Mindy!

I know I've given you an update, Mindy, but I wanted to send you both a quick email to let you know how Odin is doing.

He has gotten much better about chewing on his leash when we get ready to take him out, but we are working with him to not pull so much when he gets excited. He will, however, chew on anything else he can find! Any toys with stuffing don't stand a chance with him! Not even the 'indestructible' ones. So we have to stick to bones and treat filled kongs. He loves socks, paper towels and slippers the most, so we are working on teaching him that those things are not his. He is slowly learning. He can remain in a down-stay for a quite a while now, but gets board if the treats are not coming fast enough. He loves the snow! With this much he doesn't know what to do other than to eat it! He will eat pretty much anything, or at least try to anyways, so he is always sniffing around to see what you have. And he loves laying on the bed, especially on the pillows! He's a great dog and his personality is really one-of-a-kind. We love him so much.

Thank you both for all of your help and for this opportunity. He has fit into our family as if he's always been part of it.

Update on Grommit

Hi Matt,

Great to hear from you -- things have been going very well. We've had a great time getting to know Grommet... he's really a very special and sweet dog! Sammie and he have been getting on great too, and it's wonderful to watch them playing together, being such a great matchup of high energy personalities. I've attached a picture showing a rare quiet moment after they'd worn each other out. Last Sunday we also took them to Chatfield Hollow park, a popular dog walking venue, and Grommet had a nice afternoon encountering many other dogs big and small, and he was often the center of attention. Though shy at first, he was walking with confidence by the end of the outing.

Thanks for checking in! We're planning to take Grommet to meet our vet in another week or so, as recommended. 

Matt & Kyle